Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 16 Tuesday

Stuff is going on at work to stress me out so when I saw the WOD today I was not sure I'd mentally be able to push this hard. The Coach wanted me to do a "lighter" version of it with less all around reps but I felt like I needed the full version to help clear my head. He was was tough but glad I did it as prescribed.
Run one mile for time

Five Rounds:
20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest 3 Minutes between each round.
My 1 mile time was 6:54 and that shocked me, I figured I'd be about 7:30. Thankfully one girl caught me at the 1/2 mile mark and I was able to run the last 1/2 mile with her and she was kicking it up fast. I was tired.
The WOD took me 4:28 first round, 5:25, 6:15. 6:15 and 6: 10.  It was tough, glad it was over...enjoyed it.
My Food:
Breakfast was my oatmeal work mix:

Snack pile for the day:
Lunch was at neato burrito again. Same as usual: Brown Rice, black beans, salsa, lettuce
On the drive home I ate the other half of yesterday's protein bar.
I had 1 cup of cereal and almond milk before heading to the gym

K made a great dinner of baked sweet potato, chia black bean patty, spinach salad with tahini.

With the work stress I felt like I needed a sweet so I had 2 ginger snaps and a few chocolate chips. I wanted more, so did end up with another few chocolate chips than shown.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome mile time! Barbara is one of those workouts I really hate, but I like the 3 minute breaks to make it seem easier.
