Today the plan was to do the 2 bench mark WODs required to be part of the Challenge, #1 - Crossfit Total, #2 - 500m row, 40 squats, 30 sit ups, 20 hand release push up and 10 pull ups.
Crossfit Total: We've done this 3 times since I've been coming to the gym. I guess it's used to judge how you are gaining strength and being able to lift more weight. It's 3 lifts, done in a certain order to get your one rep max (1RM), that means how much you can lift...once. So you do some warm up sets - 5, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1. I did not want to do the Total because we did if about 6 weeks ago and I am also 4 weeks into an 8 week strength program, but oh well. The 2 lifts are Back Squat, Shoulder Press and then Dead Lift. My numbers are nothing great but a LOT more than they were the first time I did the total. Back Squat 205; Press: 110; Dead Lift: 285. That is a total of 600 (all numbers added together). That is 30 more than what it was 6 weeks ago and a bunch more than the very first time I did it.
The second WOD was something I have not done in the past but I am typically not to bad at these short metcon type workouts. 500 meter row went fine except my shorts got caught on the rolling seat twice, I was off in about 1:50. Straight into the squats, sit ups with an ab mat, push ups and then to the pull up bar. I thought I'd be able to just knock out the pull ups unbroken, but I did 6, dropped and then the next 4. Final time of 5:20. Not sure if that is good or is what it is.
My food for the day:
Up at 5:30 am and ate a Raw Revolution bar and had a glass of water.
Showered and made breakfast for my daughter and I. I had an Ezekiel Sprouted English Muffin with Almond Butter and Hemp Seeds:
Lunch was a large salad with carrots, walnuts, a small apple, about a quarter cup black beans and balsamic vinegar. Damn I was hungry.
Mid afternoon I had a clementine and a few almonds.
And dinner with the family was quinoa with almonds, roasted cauliflower, baby spinach salad with carrots and cucumber, avocado and some mango. I was stuffed.
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