Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 4 - Rest Day

Today was my day off from going to the Crossfit gym. Thursdays are typically that day just because it meshes well with the family schedule. So my rest day is just that, no working out. I did a little stretching, some foam rolling out on my back and some PVC pipe shoulder stretches.

I was in training for 9 hours today at work so my food was limited so it was probably best it was a rest day. I am in training tomorrow again but my WOD will be at 5:30 am so that will work out with food consumption as well.

My food:
Same oatmeal concoction as Day 3; 3/4 cup oatmeal, cinnamon, raisins, water and a little protein powder with black coffee (half decaf). I also took a small apple and a clementine into my meeting :

 Lunch was some left over steamed broccoli and the walnut hemp patties from last night along with some baby spinach and hot sauce. I ate 2 carrots and brought the banana and clementine into the meeting to eat at break.

Dinner was Quinoa, stir fried red papers, carrots and broccoli in olive oil, and tempeh (fermented soybeans). On the side we had a fresh apple mixed with frozen peaches and lots of cinnamon.

Not a ton of food today, probably on the low side for calories but it's 8:30 at night and I seem fine. Not hungry, no craving and today I had plenty of energy and was bummed it was my rest day.

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