We did a warm up of some double unders (still not getting more than a few at a time) and some Kettle bell snatches. Today's WOD consisted of something I had no idea what it was, a Bulgarian split squat with a kettle bell? WTF is that? We were to do it like the video but with the KB held to our chest with our arms. It was not very easy to keep balance.
It was a 12 minute AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) of:
10 Burpee Box Jumps
10 Bulgarian split squats left (w/ KB held to chest)
15 KB swings
10 Bulgarian split squats right (w/ KB held to chest)
I got 3 complete rounds plus the 10 burpee box jumps to start the 4th round in the 12 minutes. Not too bad, it was a bit harder than I thought it was going to be and the last round I did not use the KB for the Bulgarian split squats...it was damn tough to keep balance. I was soaked with sweat.
Today's Food:
Up at 5:30 for work, had some black coffee when I got the the office. About 7:30 I had my breakfast which was last night left over Quinoa with a banana, cinnamon, walnuts, hemp seeds, dates and almond milk. Never had it before but saw it on another blog and it was actually pretty darn tasty.
About 10:00 I had a grapefruit:
About 2:30 I had some almonds and a clementine:
After the class I came home and the family had dinner which was a baked sweet potato, steamed broccoli and some stir fried tofu. The sauce you see on top of the potato and broccoli is tahini sauce and I added some more Frank's Hot Sauce.
Felt pretty good today, plenty of energy at the WOD but looking at my food now I am not sure if I actually ate enough or not. I'll have to look into that a bit more and maybe track protein and calories just to make sure, it's 8:45 PM and I am not having any cravings and I'm not hungry so I assume all is OK. I go to the 5:30 AM class tomorrow, that is always tough if the Tuesday work out is difficult, but I think tomorrow will be fine.
As a fellow vegan CrossFitter it is fun to see what you are eating each day! Keep it up!