Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 3

Went to the 5:30 am class. Warm up was 5 rounds of 5 sets of each:
5 Strict Pull Ups, weighted if possible
5 Kipping Pull Ups
5 Ring Dips
 And the WOD was:
5 rounds for time:
5 Floor presses
5 Floor Wipers
5 Power Cleans

Nothing special to report, I did 3 rounds without a weight between my feet for the strict pull ups and the last 2 sets I did them with a whopping 5 pounds dumbbell  in my feet. I did also do all the ring dips with no band which was new for me, they were not pretty, but done none the less. If you saw the post below you'll see I had some callus tearing issues. It was not during the skills warm up but after when showing another member my kip. Too much chalk, too much grip, too much twisting = tear. It's happened before and I am sure it will happen again. Just sucks to shower the first few days with it.

The WOD, I ended up using 105 and come the end of round 5 I was struggling a bit so I guess that means it was a wise choice. Bums me out sometimes I can't do more weight but I assume it will come with time. My bench press is pitiful so doing the floor press (which is basically bench press laying on the floor) was the tough part, cleans at 105 was easy. Some day it will all even out. My time was 5:46. Average I'd say.

My Food:
Up at 4:45am and ate a Luna Protein Bar and drank a glass of water.

After the WOD and on the drive to work I had a Plant Fusion Protein Shake. I just got this last week and I like the taste and it seems to assist in my recovery....

About 8:30 I had 3/4 cup oatmeal, cinnamon, raisins, and a little protein powder:

My 10:00 snack was a small apple and a clementine:

Lunch was a baked sweet potato with tahini and hot sauce, 2 carrots and a grapefruit

Late afternoon snack was a banana with almond butter:

Got home from work and was super hungry so I had 2 celery stalks:

And finally dinner was steamed broccoli, spinach salad, black bean and avocado salsa over walnut hemp seed patties. The patties were a little dry, but the salsa helped.

Seems like a TON of food....doesn't it?

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